Empire Electric Association's board of directors approved  tariff changes at the August 11 board meeting. The rate changes were made to address the following:

  • Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association, our wholesale power provider, has filed to make changes to their rate effective January 1, 2024. Their rate changes include making the peak period shorter, changing their structure to a formulary rate that will include a true up of actual margin to their margin requirement, and a 6.4% increase in their existing energy and demand charges. EEA is changing our rates to maintain alignment between how we pay for power and how we collect revenue. We are adjusting our peak window to match Tri-State.

  • EEA is increasing the Grid Access Charge (GAC) for rates that do not collect enough revenue to cover their costs. The rates that are short on revenue have been subsidized by members on other rates. Increasing the GAC will remove the need for subsidization from other rates and while reducing the in-class subsidization of low load factor members by those with higher load factors.

 This page includes links to several web pages that provide more detail on the rate changes and how you can find out how the rate changes may impact your monthly bill.

New Peak Time!

Starting January 1, 2024

On-Peak time is Monday through Saturday from 1:00 PM until 9:00 PM

Off-Peak is all other hours Monday through Saturday plus All Day Sunday and the following Holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day (4th of July), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. If one of the holidays occurs on a Monday through Saturday, the entire holiday is Off-Peak

Rate Comparison Tools

You can access rate comparison tools by rate class below.

Residential is for primary residences.

General Service Single Phase is for all single phase non-irrigation services requiring no more than 75 kVA of equipment capacity.

General Service Three Phase is for all three phase non-irrigation services requiring no more than 75 kVA of equipment capacity.

Irrigation Single Phase s for all single phase irrigation services requiring no more than 75 kVA of equipment capacity.

Irrigation Three Phase is for all three phase irrigation services requiring no more than 75 kVA of equipment capacity.